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Lobbying in Australia

Contrary to the system in U.S.A and Canada, the Australian system prefers to target the lobbied rather than the lobbyists, it is similar to the system in New Zealand and U.K.

However; in the past-in December 1983 to be precise, Australia had tried to experiment with bringing about regulations in lobbying activities of the lobbyists.  This led to the creation of the Lobbying Registration Scheme in December 1983.

The Lobbyist Registration Scheme 
The Scheme set up two confidential registers- one would be for lobbyists representing international clients and the other would be for local clients.  Also, the Scheme defined a lobbyist as a person or a company who represents clients for financial or other advantages with respect to the dealings with the Commonwealth government and ministers. In addition, the Scheme stated that the lobbyist had to register in the national registry and give a brief description of the lobbying activity he / she will carry out upon establishing contact with the government official. Plus, a letter of acceptance would be required from the registrar before approaching a government official for any lobbying activity.

Abolishment of the Scheme
Citing various irregularities in the scheme and acknowledging the fact that it was mostly ineffective; in 1991, an attempt was made to strengthen it by Senator Nick Bolkus. But, due to lack of support his proposal didn’t go through. And under Prime Minister John Howard the Lobbyist Registration Scheme was abolished.

The Howard Code of Conduct
The abolishment of the Lobbyist Registration Scheme led to the introduction of the John Howard Code of Conduct introduced by Prime Minister John Howard himself in 1996. In accordance with the Code, several regulations were brought upon ministers. For example, ministers were disallowed from holding a directorship in public companies but they could retain directorship in private companies provided that their directorship doesn’t conflict with the ministerial duties. Plus, a minister could not accept benefits that may be subject to improper influence. But, ministers could accept gifts, sponsored travels or hospitality in accordance with terms and guidelines provided by the Prime Minister.   

In December, 1998, as Prime Minister Howard gained his second electoral victory, he announced an update to the code. It stipulated that ministers be aware of all the facts when dealing with a lobbyist. That is, the minister must be informed about- whom the lobbyist represents along with their interests.
The Australian system of lobbying shows that there is no one way to regulate lobbying activity and what may work for one country may not work for another.

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